The British Association of
MEXT Scholars

is the organisation of British-based Japanese Government scholarship holders and alumni who attend or have studied at universities in Japan.


Chair: Michael Cowell

Co-Deputy Chairs: Luke Duggan, Simon Shields

Co-Treasurers: Alex Parsons, Brigid Bernard

Communications Secretary: Vishal Gor

Co-Social Secretaries: Joshua Gallagher, Sebastian Fuller

Website Manager: Lyle De Souza


In brief, the Chair represents BAMS at meetings/events, takes the leading role in representing the interests of the alumni body and in fostering and further enhancing alumni engagement with other groups as the official Alumni representative.


Website Manager


Social Secretary


Communications Secretary





Constitution of The British Association of MEXT Scholars

Article 1

The name of the association is the British Association of MEXT Scholars ('BAMS').

Article 2

The objects of the Association are as follows:

2.1 MEXT Scholar Support and Social Objectives

2.2 Academic and Cultural Objectives

Article 3

The objects of the Association are as follows:

3.1 Database

BAMS will maintain a database of its Members and Associate Members (each as defined below) to be referred to herein as the 'BAMS Database".



3.2 Members

Members will be any individuals who have received a Japanese Government MEXT Scholarship. A Member must register his/her name, contact details and details of the period of study as a MEXT Scholar with the Secretary of the Committee on a form which will be prescribed by the Secretary from time to time. Members will be registered on the BAMS Database under the category of "Member".

3.3 Associate Members

Associate Members will be any individual or body corporate who does not qualify as a Member, but who has an interest in Japan and a desire to participate in the activities of BAMS, and will be accepted as Associate Members by a majority vote of the Committee. Associate Members will be registered on the BAMS Database under the category of "Associate Member".

Article 4

4.1 The Executive Committee

The Executive Committee (hereinafter referred to as the "Committee") will be elected from the membership by Members at the Annual General Meeting. The Committee will consist of no fewer than five people and no more than ten people, of whom all are Members. The Committee will consist of a President, a Secretary and a Treasurer (who will be called Officers of the Committee) and at least two others. In addition members of previous Committees of BAMS or Associate Members may be invited to attend meetings in an advisory capacity only. Meetings of the Committee will be conducted with a quorum of three Committee members. In the absence of the President, the Secretary shall preside. In the absence of both the President and the Secretary, the Committee members present may elect one of their number by majority vote to chair the meeting.

The Committee will vote to accept registration of Members, and applications for or motions for inclusion of individuals or bodies corporate as Associate Members. Voting by the Committee will be by majority; where there is a hung vote the chairman of the meeting will have the casting vote. The Committee may vote to remove any Committee Member from the Committee by a two-thirds majority vote. The Committee Member in question will not have a vote under such circumstances. In the event of an Officer of the Committee resigning, a Committee Member will be designated as acting as replacement of the Officer until such time as the Annual General Meeting where a replacement will be formally elected.

An Officer of the Committee may serve as an Officer of the Committee for a term of four years only from the date of appointment. This will not preclude an Officer of the Committee serving as an Advisory Committee Member after a period of four years has elapsed. 

From time to time a sub-committee or sub-committees may be appointed by the Committee to review and report on matters of relevance to BAMS.

4.2 General

An Annual General Meeting will be held at an interval of no less than ten months and no more than fifteen months of that held previously. Notice of at least fourteen days (including an Agenda) will be given to all Members and Associate Members. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called at any time by no fewer than ten members of BAMS with at least twenty-one days' notice being given to all Members and Associate Members.

4.3 Voting

Members only will vote to appoint or reappoint Officers of the Committee, and to change the Constitution of the Association at the Annual General Meeting. A quorum of fifteen percent of the total number of Members of BAMS will be required to hold an Annual General Meeting. Voting will be carried out by a show of hands, and a two-thirds majority including postal votes will pass a motion to appoint or reappoint an Officer of the Committee, or to change the Constitution of BAMS.

On other occasions, the Committee can propose a change to the Constitution with full details of such proposal being sent by post to all Members. If no more than twenty objections are received within one calendar month, the proposal will be carried.